How to Volunteer
Volunteer for Dyrons Journal
How to Volunteer
Dyrons Journal is produced by a small, dedicated group of volunteers. It is the members of this diverse group who carry out the various functions required to take the news from the local newspapers and deliver it on digital usb flash drives to the visually impaired people of Teignbridge.
If you think you could help us and would like to join us as an editor, reader or engineer (the tasks are not mutually exclusive and several volunteers do more than one job), please contact Brian on 01626 305953, Doug on 07802 608504 or via this link
The rota is not onerous, with duties coming up every three or four weeks – depending on how many volunteers are available. For more details of what is involved, please see How Dyrons Journal works.

Listening to Dyrons Journal

How to receive Dyrons Journal

How Dyrons Journal Works

How to Volunteer

Fundraising and Donations

History of Dyrons Journal

Want to receive the latest Dyrons Journal?
We can dispatch the journal to you on a USB memory stick that can play on any audio device which can handle MP3 files. We can also loan such a device if required

Contact Form
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