How to receive Dyrons Journal
How To Listen To Dyrons Journal
The Journal is designed for anyone who is visually impaired. If you would like to receive a copy you can be referred to us by the local Sensory Team from Social Services, you can contact us direct or you can ask a relative or friend to contact us for you.
The Journal is dispatched every Thursday afternoon on a USB memory stick and should arrive on Friday or Saturday, or Monday at the latest. The memory stick will play on any equipment which handles mp3 files. If you have no suitable equipment you can borrow a digital player (see picture) from us.
The service is free.
If you are able to do so, you can also access each week’s recording on this website.

Pictured above is one of our digital players available on loan.

Listening to Dyrons Journal

How to receive Dyrons Journal

How Dyrons Journal Works

How to Volunteer

Fundraising and Donations

History of Dyrons Journal

Want to receive the latest Dyrons Journal?
We can dispatch the journal to you on a USB memory stick that can play on any audio device which can handle MP3 files. We can also loan such a device if required

Contact Form
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